[Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Sinsa-dong] RWA VIP PARTY Exhibition Physical Asset Token

Before viewing the exhibition, shall we take a moment to look at the companies participating in the RWA VIP PARTY?

Participating Companies

1. Green-X: Green-X, a Malaysian digital asset exchange, is a 100% subsidiary of Green Pro Capital (NASDAQ: GRNQ). In April 2022, Green-X received licenses from the Malaysian government to trade digital assets and security tokens (ST), along with Sharia certification. The Sharia certification is issued only to companies that comply with Islamic law, making it a crucial criterion for investors in the Islamic economic sphere of 1.9 billion people.

2. CREDER: CREDER, participating in this event, is the first developer of an RWA (Real World Asset) platform in Korea. Partnering with Green-X, a Malaysian digital asset exchange, CREDER focuses on RWVA (Real World Value Asset) businesses.

CREDER has initiated tokenization projects related to gold mining and developed the DeFi platform Gold Station. They offer tokenization services for physical assets like precious metals, real estate, rare earth elements, and antiques in collaboration with Green-X.

CREDER is a joint venture established in 2022 by ITCEN and the blockchain company BPMG.


3. YMSTAR E&M: YMSTAR, an entertainment company specializing in nurturing creators, supports not only their domestic growth but also their global expansion. It helps build a business ecosystem enabling creators to be self-reliant and continuously produce high-quality content. YMSTAR assists in every aspect of merchandise production and brand manufacturing, providing comprehensive support (A to Z) to aid creators in their content creation efforts.

Currently, YMSTAR has advertising, platform, commerce, and MCN divisions. The company's social media accounts on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram have a combined following of 3 million, with an average monthly growth rate of 150,000 followers.


Various companies coming together to host a fantastic party, that's Great 👍🏻

Inside the spacious exhibition hall, there are various artworks and events prepared!

An event to extract a whopping 12kg gold nugget! They say there's a special prize for success 💁🏻‍♀️ So, naturally! I took on the challenge 😙

Did you see it?

It was really heavy 😂

Gold digging

I've seen it a lot on social media,

but I didn't even flinch.

According to the officials,

they say only five people have succeeded 🫢

But, it turns out, a young child succeeded... 😟

At the Korea Gold Exchange,

they exhibited some impressive gold bars 😗

I want a gold bar 🤭

On the first floor of the event venue, various pottery works are on display.

Each piece was truly filled with stunning craftsmanship

And inside the exhibition hall,

there were also beautiful models 💁🏻‍♀️

The models really added to the beauty of the artworks 😀

It felt like a real party!

You can taste various drinks served in pretty glasses that match the wonderful atmosphere 💁🏻‍♀️

Since we've seen the 1st-floor exhibition, shall we head down to the B1 floor exhibition hall?

This time, there were stunning paintings on display 💁🏻‍♀️

Each one was beautiful

and offered a variety of styles!

Shall we take a closer look at the paintings? 😁

A piece brimming with Oriental beauty 🫢

There was another painting with a different feel 💁🏻‍♀️

And There was another piece on display as well!



※ Brenham, a pallasite meteorite weighing 25.7kg, a gemstone formed in space


When calculated at the minimum estimated price, 25.7kg divided by 153.8g equals approximately 168 times. Multiplying this by US$3500 and then by 1300 Korean Won, the minimum estimated price exceeds 764,400,000 Korean Won, approximately 760 million Korean Won.


If calculated based on the auction price of similar meteorites at the British auction site Sotheby's, the displayed price of this meteorite at the event is approximately 2.75 billion Korean Won.

It's indeed a staggering price range for a piece of work 🫢

A gemstone created in space


From pottery to paintings,it was truly a diverse exhibition 😆

Having such a special experience was really wonderful!

I recommend this exhibition to all art enthusiasts seeking new experiences 😁👏🏻

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